First attempt - A vintage bottle of JOY, in its original box with about 1/3 of the perfume left in it. It had 4 bids and was at $18.50. I decided to employ my patent pending, sure way of winning an Ebay auction method(Of course I can not share it with you!), but my husband, Mr Pesky Pessimissm, insisted, I was waiting too long and so I bid to early, and lost out. It went for $26.25
Second Attempt - A lot of 6 vintage perfume bottles full of perfume. The bottles looked a little dusty, but I wondered what bottled gold was held within. 1 bidder $0.99, 16 minutes to go. Here is what was in the lot;
- Figurine Cologne
- Countess Maritza Silent Night Toilet Water
- 20 Carats Cologne
- Quelques Fleurs
- Chantilly Houbigant
- Cytherea Paris
So with Pesky Pessimism temporarily gone, I waited like a tiger in the jungle for the right moment and then..... wait for it...... POUNCE! Its mine. $5.50 plus shipping. I am now the proud owner of the above vintage scents, and of course I have no idea what I own, so I am itching to get my research on. And of course I can't wait to smell them, but by looks of them, I hope they have aged well........
So now I wait for my package to arrive. I let you know if it was worth it.
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